I was recently asked to give the luncheon keynote at a small ed tech conference in North Carolina where I was, essentially, given free reign in terms of the content and asked only to be "funny and inspiring." (No pressure!)
Because I had the freedom to be creative and because I knew most of the sessions were focused on tech tools, I decided to use my hour to tackle a pet peeve: technology as transformation. I was a little nervous because I certainly didn't want to offend my audience. But the response was really positive and everyone laughed where they were supposed to (and didn't where they weren't), so that seems like success.
Although I didn't borrow anything specific from them, my work was definitely inspired by the work of Adam Bellow and Bill Ferriter. I used Comic Life to create my slides (hat tip to Gwyneth Jones) and, as always, my final product is a Creative Commons work that you are free for you to use and share, (because that's just how I roll).