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Jennifer LaGarde
Jul 1, 20213 min read
#ReadWithPride: Graphic Novel Edition
This year, during the month of June, I decided to share one graphic novel a day (on Instagram and Twitter) that features queer...

Jennifer LaGarde
Aug 2, 20205 min read
iYMAS and Why YA Lit Matters (A Lot)
UPDATE: This post has been updated to include the 2020 "iYMA Awards." --------- In her beautiful, smart and funny book Why You Should...

Jennifer LaGarde
Jul 20, 20196 min read
In This Library, Y'all = ALL
A long time ago, a well meaning (and very well known) educator, who I admired greatly, told me I should never, ever take a stand on...

Jennifer LaGarde
May 30, 20194 min read
Where Are The "Normal" Books?
The power of story is that it connects us. Labeling some stories as having more value than others only pulls us farther apart.
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