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Writer's pictureJennifer LaGarde

This Monday is Going To Be AMAZEballs!

I have to admit, I'm not usually super excited about Mondays.  But this week I am making an exception.

Here's why!

Reason #1: The TL Virtual Cafe returns this Monday for another blockbuster year of learning and sharing!!!  I've written many times about how much I love the TL Virtual cafe AND I share this amazing FREE resource everywhere I go.  And this Monday, is our 3rd annual Back to School Special hosted by yours truly and ROCKSTARS Gwyneth Jones and Tiffany Whitehead.  As in years past, the focus of this free, hour long session, is on ways to kick off the school year right!  But this year we're doing something a little different: this year, we're kicking the Back to School Special open mic style!  So, here's what you need to do...

  • Mark your calendar to BE THERE on Monday, Sept 8th starting at 9pmEST! You seriously don't want to miss this. 

  • GRAB A SLIDE and contribute an idea or two!  This crowdsourced webinar is a great way for you to help out your colleagues, demonstrate some leadership and add your voice to the growing, positive, international conversation about how school libraries impact learning!  So, don't head on over to the google presentation and put your own special spin on a slide (or two) and then be prepared to take the mic on Monday! We can't wait to hear what you have to share! PS:  I'm super excited about my slides this year which are, if I do say so myself, straight up stormtrooperlicious! 

Reason #2:  One of my favorite people in the whole wide world is going to be our guest on EdGeekCast!

EdGeekCast is a semi-regular (we're shooting for biweekly this year) webcast in which I get to talk about all things AWEsome in EdTech with my BFFs Nancy Mangum (Digital Innovations Coach with the Friday Institute) and Lucas Gillispie (Director of Academic and Digital Learning with Surry County Schools).  This week, we're welcoming my dear friend Todd Nesloney (principal of Navasota Intermediate School in Navasota, Texas and all around Education Ninja) to the program to chat about the ways he uses social media and all of the connections he's made with other educators around the world to share the story of change and empowerment that is taking place at his school.  I simply CANNOT WAIT!  So, here's what you need to do...

  • Grab a second bottle of Diet Coke (or your beverage of choice) and after the TLVirtual Cafe, hop on over to Ed Geek Cast for hour two of AWEsome!   Th fun starts at 9pm EST (right after the TLVirtual Cafe!) on Monday 9/8! 

  • And don't forget to follow the hashtag #EdGeekCast to join the conversation! 

Like I said, Monday is going to be AMAZEballs! Hope to see you there! 

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