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New Tools for New Teachers

As I prepare for some sessions later this week during which I will get to work with new teachers on the fine arts of collaboration and personal learning, I've been busy making stuff. 

The first is the "Bibliotherapy 2.0" wiki that i solicited help for a few posts ago.  Though I ended up deciding to make the wiki more of a web/conversation curation tool than an actual bibliography, I will be adding the titles so many of you suggested to the discussion portion of the wiki.  THANK YOU!  In the meantime, I'm ready to share the product as it currently looks.  I welcome feedback and will happily grant requests to join if you'd like to be a part of contributing to this resource for new (and not so new) teachers. 

(This link no longer works)

The second is a webmix of tools to help new teachers create and contribute to a Personal Learning Network.  This was a lot of fun for me to put together, but I'm sure I'm missing one or two or twenty resources.

Some points of conflict for me are these:  a) I had originally planned to group the content of the webmix a bit more systematically, but I'm still chewing on that.  b) I'm also on the fence about including must read blogs - once I start that, where do I stop?

For now, I'm just anxious to roll up my sleeves and start making mischief with the group of new teachers I'll be working with this week.  Until then, please feel free to make suggestions for improvement or addition.  Your feedback will not only help me but also the fledgling teachers I'll be corrupting working with soon.

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